Tuesday 9 July 2013

Where Have I Been?

I apologize for being so MIA lately! Life has been moving fast for me, in the most blessed of ways!

Here's a glimpse into what I've been up to lately:

1) My best friends and I ended our sophomore year with a super fun photoshoot around the campus
2) I cut my 1940s-inspired shoulder length hair into a sleek, cute bob!  ( I can still do victory rolls) :)

This summer has been really productive thus far! I'm proud of all I'm trying to get done.

I've started attending and serving at my church regularly. I'm in the Basic Training program, a three month intensive where you learn to love and live like Jesus did. More pictures coming soon.

I have a TON of summer homework, so that's one of the reasons why I haven't been updating regularly.

Hopefully I can get it all done. If Rosie the Riverter could be a W.O.W, I can gosh darn complete a book, essay, photo collage and chapter summary notes!

So yeah, I'm really sorry about my lack of updating...but needless to say, I'm back! Stay tuned for my adventures as a sixteen year old 1950s housewife! (;

- Jules

Sunday 21 April 2013

Why Am I Doing This???

As a testing trial to this experiment, I went a whole week dressed like I was in the 40s and 50s era. This was about two weeks ago, with outfits ranging to lace dresses, ascots, beehives, victory rolls, and pencil skirts. I got a mixture of reactions -- from people reminding me what century it is to compliments about my new style. Tommorow, Monday April 22nd, begins my experiment. Not only will I be living the "50s Houswife" life (modified, since I am a student) but I will be dressing, learning, cooking, cleaning, sewing, & more! I am VERY excited.

A lot of people have asked WHY I am doing this experiment. Well, I love the vintage era. My favorite film is Singing In The Rain and I only listen to swing and Broadway music. Besides that, I love history and heritages, and one of my main goals from this project is to understand people, events, and places during these eras. It all started when I went on Youtube, out of curiosity, to learn how to do victory rolls. Then it sort of escalated into a raw fascination with the era, and myd decision to live that way. My final goal, once this blog becomes more popular, is to start a website called Vintage My Clothing -- in which people are able to send me clothes and I show them how to wear it in different eras; combining my love of fashion and of history.Along with that, I will be posting pictorials on hair and fashion. 

I cannot wait to see what this journey has for me. I know it will be hard. I know it will require effort, time, and dedication. But I know the rewards will be far more greater than the sacrifices needed. Life is what you make of it, the life you decided to choose, and I know this lifestyle will be rewarding. I am NOT saying it is for everybody. I do not have bitter feelings towards those who dress in the modern time and live that way --- but for me, I want something different, something fun, something exciting.

My name is Julia Schemmer. I'm a sophomore in high school, dedicated to learning and singing in choir. In this modernized world, I am anticipating tradition and vintage ideals. The journey starts HERE.

Saturday 20 April 2013

the beginning.

Beginnings always have a trace of awkwardness, don't they? It's the idea of starting something new, without knowing the results. It's like diving headfirst into a pool, you don't know how hot or cold the water will be unless you give it a shot.

With that said, beginnings also have a trace of hope -- hope that through this experience, you will not be the same person you were before. Hope of learning, discovery, adventure...

Today, April 20th, 2013 I have decided to begin my blog "From Messy Bun to Beehive." My goal in this is to live a vintage-inspired life, contrasted with the technologies of today. This includes learning the piano, cooking, cleaning, and of course, dressing like a vintage southern belle.

I've always been heavily influenced by the 40s and 50s era, and I cannot wait to see what this journey has for me. Hope you stay along for the ride :-)